Our iPhone APP is dealing with Picture and Record file as Media file.
So, there is a big different between to sort them and to sort the string
like your text on your Reminder APP. And, it is more difficult to sort
them than it appears.
Even the Apple official APP cannot sort your pictures or records.
From this difficulty, I finally managed to succeed in the sort function.
Not only you can copy your question with the long press but also you can
sort your questions with picture and record files.
Thinking of Google search, the upper display would be very important. This
is because human mind only care the upper display. It is said that human
typically can remember the top seven at most.
That is why I wanted to develop this function of upper display.
I will show you the way at BBS on this homepage so please take a look!

- 2021年11月21日
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- Can sort your picture and record with iPhone APP
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- Video Function
iOS Seminar
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- SwiftUI - Call alert for text message of notification | Apple iOS Xcode YouTube Seminar #7
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- SwiftUI - Hack internet browser to analyze which web page you visit | Apple iOS Xcode YouTube Seminar #5
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- SwiftUI - how to make bookmarks to browse your favorite web page quickly | Apple iOS Xcode YouTube Seminar #4
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- SwiftUI - Best of Multiple scientific iOS calculator is the one you create by yourself | Apple iOS Xcode YouTube Seminar #1
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- The memory of brain with spoken and written languages.
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- for efficient repeat study
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- Try blog in English!